Manuscript Submission Guidelines

We accept only quality paper which shows originality and significance and must not published anywhere else in any form other than abstract. All papers are peer reviewed by the anonymous reviewers who belong to the universities and have outstanding publication record. The decision relating to acceptance or rejection of papers rests on the editorial board of the respective journal.

How to prepare a manuscript:

Your paper must be prepared in the following order or sequence  and comply to all  undernoted  requirements  in order to make  your paper acceptable  to us . Such compliance is required  for all of our  journals.

1. The introduction must contain

  • problem statement, objective  or research question.
  • Motivation or reasons behind your study provided
  • significance of the study
  • A paragraph stating  that your  findings is different from others with a distinctive contribution to the body of knowledge 
  • A statement relating to how the paper is organized is provided

2. Literature Review should

  • Cite adequate and relevant past studies (preferably after 2000)

  • describe how your research question or problem statement was not answered by the past studies
  • state the weakness of the previous studies or research

3. Methodology should include

  • Data or study period for considerable.
  • Justification for selecting years of study 
  • justification for sample size, the model used or research method applied

4. Results/ Analysis must show

  • Results/findings which are convincing and well explained
  • Interpretation of  results which supports or rejects  hypotheses
  • How results are new  and contributes to body of  knowledge

5. Conclusion must mention

  • Originality and timeliness of the research
  • how you have created or advanced knowledge
  • the implication of your research
  • limitations of the study

All articles submitted to the Journal must comply with these guidelines and non-compliance to any of the above points may result in rejection of the paper. In addition, all manuscript must be accompanied by the Checklist .

Paper Submission Checklist

Papers must be written in A4 paper size. (21cm x 29.7 cm) and the automatic margins that have been set for this paper size must be strictly adhered to for all text, headings, tables and figures.

Title of the paper is no more than 15 words, centred and in 16pt font.

Author(s) name(s) appear below paper title in 14pt font and centred

Leave two empty lines before and after the name(s) of the author(s)

All text in Arial provided

Section/sub-titles are in numbered sequentially, in bold and 14pt font

Leave one empty line before and after each section/sub-title

Line spacing throughout paper is single-spaced (no double spacing please)

Abstract is in italics and justified both with 2.5 inch margin on both sides

Field of Research is indicated after Abstract. Leave two empty lines after Field.

All text is in 12pt font except sub-titles

Author(s) affiliation, address and email is provided at the bottom of the first page in 10pt font

Figures, tables and charts are included within the body of the paper

Figures, text or tables are not coloured or shaded

Tables or figures do not break across two pages

All text is justified

Double space between two paragraphs are provided

No table provided in introduction, within conclusion and just after conclusion

All tables are provided within the margin and titles of the tables are centred

No space left at the beginning of the sentence of the new paragraph

Heading of the table or figure is provided on the top of the table or figure

End-notes are included if applicable (Please do not use footnotes) before reference section

Paper has been checked for grammar and spelling

References provided at the end in alphabetical order and 1cm hanging indent. Please delete all brackets before and after year of publication

No headers to be included in the paper

Page numbers to be included in a footer on the bottom right hand corner of the page in Times New Roman size 12.

Description About Length of the MANUSCRIPT

Cover page:
The length of an article (including references and end-notes ) should not exceed 5000 words. However, tables and figures are not included in the word counts.
The cover page  must contain following information:

  1. title of the paper (which should not be long)
  2. The full names and affiliations of the authors, and the full postal and email address, plus fax and  telephone numbers. The name of the correspondence must be mentioned.
  3. Abstract
    An abstract should not me more than 100 words and must include problem statement/research question, sample size, model, if any, study period and the conclusion which must mention new findings. The abstract must not contain abbreviations or references. JEL classification numbers and keywords (field of research) should be stated separately at the end .

    References in the Body of the paper
    Author must use The Harvard (author, date) system of referencing. At the time of providing references within the body of the paper,  the author must follow the following style .
    1. If the reference is provided at the start of the sentence, just year  should be mentioned in parenthesis. For 2 authors  ‘and” and for more than 2 authors ‘et al’ should provided.
    2. If reference is provided within or at end of the sentence, then author name flowed by year should be provided in parenthesis . For 2 authors  ‘and” and for more than 2 authors ‘et al’ should provided followed by year.

Statement from the author (s) in Cover Page

All authors must provide a cover page state to state that the content the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere in any form (except abstract)

The full names and affiliations of the authors, and the full postal and email address, plus fax and  telephone numbers. The name of the correspondence must be mentioned.


Accepted papers will be copy righted by Zia World Press or by its affiliating organizations and no substantial part ( more than half a page) of the paper can be reproduced and distributed in any form without the written consent of the publisher.

Language Proficiency

All authors must make sure that the paper is grammatically correct and is professionally edited. We use US spelling style and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary can be used to check the spelling. Authors can engage any organization or person for editing service at their own cost. We will not publish any paper which is 100% free from grammatical mistakes . No submission fee will be refunded under any circumstance.

Correct referencing is required and wrong or incorrect referencing may lead to rejection of the paper. Authors must be sure about the accuracy of citation or referencing.  We follow the following Harvard Referencing System. Please the link peovided in the home page.


We do not allow footnotes. Only endnotes are allowed after conclusion and before reference section. They should be numbered  within the paper with Arabic numerals. Endnotes must be very short . Endnote symbols can also be denoted by  †, ‡, §

These should be placed after the reference section. We do not allow more than 6 appendices and they should be numbered in Arabic numerals and referred to in the text.

All Tables must have short titles. They must not be broken into 2 pages and be professionally presented.  Tables must be placed within the body of the paper and  number of tables  should be in Arabic numerals. Symbols like can be sued *, **, *** to denote significance level.

Any equations must be denoted sequentially with Arabic numerals and  variables must be presented in italics. We recommend  simplest mathematical symbols. Mathematical papers may use software such as Scientific Word, TeX or LaTex .


All figures must be mentioned in consecutive order in the text. Figures should be fitted  within the full text and we allow only  black and white graphs or diagrams. However, various shades of black and white color can be used , if necessary. Computer graphics can be used. Figures must be bright with high resolution.They should be numbered in Arabic numerals.

Ethical Issues : Please see the link provided in the home page.

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